In Feb. of 2013, I re-activated my
long-dormant Epson 2580 scanner at last, in order (mainly) to determine
whether it was still functional or not, but also to determine whether it was
worth my personal investment of time to bother to scan all my existing
negatives into digital files myself (in person) -- or should I hire an
outfit that does it for payment. I know of one company which is highly
recommended, and produces scans at 3000dpi. These (accompanying) I did at
3200dpi on my own system, though I am still what you might call a
• Go to East Coast (US) areas
• Go to Seattle, King St. Sta. - 1973,
July 1
Parts of the Country
All of these images, unless otherwise noted, come from my negatives. Most
were photographed using my late, lamented Nikon F2, for which I had a nice
assortment of lenses. It was, sadly, stolen back in about 2002 or so, which
had the effect of somewhat prematurely launching me into the digital
photography era. For the most part, what's in here is from my older film
Coming Soon
to Rayton's Trains:
• Trains Magazine, September
The Super Chief
• Trains in Europe

• Go to
Grande Zephyr - Paul Rayton's US Trains
The Rio Grande Zephyr was a "leftover" from the famous "California Zephyr",
which ran between Chicago and San Francisco starting in 1949. It was noted
for always having 5 of the "Vista Dome" cars in each set of equipment. At
the time of the formation of the nationwide "Amtrak" system [1971], the Rio
Grande Railroad Co. (D&RGW) decided to opt out of the national system,
and, for about the next dozen years, provided service between Denver and
Salt Lake City according to some legal agreements that had been agreed
upon prior to Amtrak.
Angeles Area
I've touched up the color balance and exposure slightly, but as of
the date of most of the scans seen in here now (early 2013), I haven't
exactly developed serious expertise in scratch and dust removal. Subsequent
passes may provide better looking images. Maybe. As they might say in the
advertising world, "watch this space!"

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