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Home | Environment Movie Info | Stærekassen | Images from COP15 | Latest update: 03-jan-2021 08:47:44 | hauerslev.com takes no responsibility of dates, changes or cancellations. Please confirm screenings directly with venues and cinemas.

When?What is shown?Where is it shown?Notes
01.11.2009"Home", 17:00DR HD TV ChannelRequire a DVB-T & MPEG4 TV set
13.11.2009"The Age of Stupid"Tycho Brahe Planetarium, CopenhagenTickets
20.11.2009"The Age of Stupid"Tycho Brahe Planetarium, CopenhagenTickets
27.11.2009"The Age of Stupid"Tycho Brahe Planetarium, CopenhagenTickets
04.12.2009"The Age of Stupid"Tycho Brahe Planetarium, CopenhagenTickets

07.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
07.12.2009"The Age of Stupid", 18:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
07.12.2009MTV "Play to Stop Climate Change"  

08.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
08.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
08.12.2009"The Age of Stupid", 19:30 - 22:30

+ concert with SWITCH 02
Rådhushallen, København's Rådhus (Town Hall)Tickets
08.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 10 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
08.12.2009"REClimate - film for the climate!", 20:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: REClimate- film for the climate
Contact person: Josefin
08.12.2009"Voices of the South on Climate and Plantations", 19:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: FASE Brasil
Contact person: Maureen Santos

09.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
09.12.2009"Indfødte Folks Filmfestival"

16 - 18
Nationalmuseet, Frederikksholms Kanal12Free
09.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 12 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
"Young Voices on Climate Change", 18:30
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Contact person: Raymond Chavez
09.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth" (150 min.), 21:00

DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Insight
Contact person: Nick Lunch
09.12.2009"Why New Coal" (66 min), 19:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: Switch ON
Contact person: Ekta Kothari
09.12.2009"The Age of Stupid", 20:30DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: CphDox/Klimaforum
Contact person: Hans Henrik Samuelsen

10.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
10.12.2009"Indfødte Folks Filmfestival"

16 - 18
Nationalmuseet, Frederikksholms Kanal12Free
10.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 10 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
10.12.2009"Fællesskabets styrke - hvordan Cuba overlevede oliekrisen" (Peak Oil), 19:00
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Dansk-Cubansk Forening
Contact person: Sven-Erik Simonsen
10.12.2009"Adaptation: it’s your call", 19:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: A Barca: Brazilian Actions
Contact person: Vicente Manzione

11.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
11.12.2009"Indfødte Folks Filmfestival"

16 - 18
Nationalmuseet, Frederikksholms Kanal12Free
11.12.2009"The Yes Men Fix The World"

23:45 - 01:45
Grand TeatretLive on stage: "The Yes Men"!!

11.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 10 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
11.12.2009"The Age of Stupid"Tycho Brahe Planetarium, CopenhagenTickets
11.12.2009"The Age of Stupid", 18:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: CphDox
Contact person: Ulrika

12.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
12.12.2009"CO2 - CUBE NGO Film Festival"

18:30 - 21:30
Tycho Brahe Planetarium, CopenhagenTickets
12.12.2009"Indfødte Folks Filmfestival"

16 - 18
Nationalmuseet, Frederikksholms Kanal12Free
12.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 10 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
12.12.2009"Crude - Jurney of Oil"Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
12.12.2009"Manufactured Landscape"Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
12.12.2009 "Flow – for the Love of Water"Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
12.12.2009 "Food, Inc"Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
12.12.2009"Un Poquito de Tanta Verdad" (60 min.), 19:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: RadioActive
Contact person: Max Graef
12.12.2009Development and Climate Days Annual Film Festival at COP15. Short films up to 10 minutes

13.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
13.12.2009"Indfødte Folks Filmfestival"

16 - 18
Nationalmuseet, Frederikksholms Kanal12Free
13.12.2009"Earth Days - The Seeds of a Revolution"

Trykkehallen Pressen, Politikens Hus, Rådhuspladsen 37Tickets
13.12.2009"Owning the Weather"

18 - 20:15
Trykkehallen Pressen, Politikens Hus, Rådhuspladsen 37Tickets
13.12.2009"Petropolis: Airial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands"

21:30 - 22:15
Trykkehallen Pressen, Politikens Hus, Rådhuspladsen 37Tickets
13.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 10 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
13.12.2009"Last Supper for Malthus"Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
13.12.2009"The End of Poverty"Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
13.12.2009"‘Let's Make Money"Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
13.12.2009"8"Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
13.12.2009"Eye of the Future"

For the following month the film will be shown in the main Exhibition area at the Planetarium for all guests to experience. The "Eyes of the Future" in the film are looking ahead from the historic moment at COP 15 where world leaders will decide a binding international climate-energy agreement.
Tycho Brahe Planetarium, CopenhagenTickets
13.12.2009"A World Beyond Oil", 19:00
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: Brandbjerg Folk High
Contact person: Jesper Saxgren
13.12.2009"Det gode med det onde" (28 min.), 20:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: Klimaforum
Contact person: Sussi Handberg
13.12.2009Development and Climate Days Annual Film Festival at COP15. Short films up to 10 minutes
13.12.2009"Voices of Victims", 19:00
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organization: Ibis/Oxfam
Contact person: Isabel Sande Frandsen
13.12.2009"One Degree Matters""Stærekassen", Tordenskjoldsgade 5, 1017 København K

By invitation only
Running time 54 minutes + 12 short films

14.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
14.12.2009"Haynesville: The Relentless Hunt for an Energy Tomorrow"

17 - 18:40
Trykkehallen Pressen, Politikens Hus, Rådhuspladsen 37Tickets
14.12.2009"Climate of Change"

20 - 22:15
Trykkehallen Pressen, Politikens Hus, Rådhuspladsen 37Tickets
14.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 10 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
14.12.2009"The Age of Stupid", 18:30DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: CphDox
Contact person: Ulrika
14.12.2009"A Sea Change"

19:30 - 22:30
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Niijii Films/Sailors

15.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
15.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 10 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
"Poison Fire" (45 min.), 19:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Environmental Rights
Contact person: Osayande
15.12.2009"Poison Fire: Oil and Gas Abuse in Nigeria" (28 min.), 19:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Friends of the Earth
International (FoEI)
Contact person: Ginting Longgena
15.12.2009"Endstation Gorleben?", 19:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 5

Contact person: Soeren Koepke

16.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
16.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 12 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
16.12.2009"De Har Solgt Verdens Lunger", 19:00
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Social Elephant
Contact person: Frederik Sølberg
16.12.2009"Lost in Palm Oil" (45 min.), 19:00
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Friends of the Earth
International (FoEI)
"Voices from the Central America Movement of Victims" (14 min.) + "Towards Solutions" (7
min.), 20:00
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Friends of the Earth
Contact person: Longgena Ginting
16.12.2009"The Orion Project", 19:00
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: The Orion Project
Contact person: Pia Larsen
"The Ancestry Prize" (30 min.), 20:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: Cameroon Vision Trust
Contact person: Ndumbe Lyonga
"Ved De Frosne Floder", 21:00DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Contact person: Isak Kleist

17.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
17.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 10 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
17.12.2009"Urban Legend – A documentary" (50 min. + discussion), 19:00

DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Mødelokale 10

Organisation: Paths to Sustainability
17.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth" (150 min.), 19:00
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Insight
Contact person: Nick Lunch
17.12.2009"Meat the Truth", 21.30

DGI Byen, Klimaforum09, Forsamlingshuset I

Organisation: Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation (NGPF)
Contact person: Monique van Dijk Armor

18.12.2009"The Age of Stupid"Tycho Brahe Planetarium, CopenhagenTickets
18.12.2009"Conversations with the Earth"

Indigenous people from Peru, the Canadian Arctic, Cameroon and the Philippines have in short films formulated viable responses to the challenge of climate change.

10.00 - 24.00.
DGI Byen, Klimaforum09 
18.12.2009Goodplanet, daily 10 - 23Cinemateket, Gothersgade 
Klima - Danmark fra istid til fremtid

31. Oktober 2009 -
7. Marts 2010
13.11.2009, 21:00

Sinfonia Antarctica @ Statens Museum for Kunst


Earth Hour
. Light is switched off in Copenhagen between 19-20.
Cool Globes Copenhagen

13.11.2009 - 13.01.2010

Cool Globes er 28 store smukke og kunstnerisk udsmykkede glober. Hver globe bærer på et miljøbudskab som skal bidrage til en global forandring. Globerne udstilles på Kgs. Nytorv og udvalgte Metrostationer i København.
100 Places to Remember Before they Disappear features 100 photographs from one hundred different places around the world in risk of disappearing or seriously threatened by climate change.

Exhibit Kongens Nytorv
27 Sepember 2009
26. December 2009
COP15 official cultural programme


DGI Byen
Onkel Dannys Plads 1
1711  Copenhagen V

Bella Center
Center Boulevard 5
2300  Copenhagen S
Bright Green environmentalism emphasises innovation and intelligent technologies as solutions of the global climate challenges. Thats’s why the name of the largest parallel event during the COP15 summit is BRIGHT GREEN.

From 12-13 December you can visit the Bright Green Expo at Forum, Copenhagen, and see for your self that the solutions of tomorrow already exist.